May 31, 2015

Sound Masters - behind the mixer

Sound Masters - behind the mixer

Church Audio 101


Live Wire Cable Tester

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How to EQ Speech for Maximum Intelligibility

1. Microphone location
2. Speaker’s natural voice
3. Presence of background music
4. The environment

The frequency make-up of speech
Our speaking voice has three frequency ranges that need to be understood;
1. Fundamentals. The fundamental frequencies of speech occur roughly between 85Hz and 250Hz.
2. Vowels. Vowels sounds contain the maximum energy and power of the voice, occurring between 350Hz and 2KHz.
3. Consonants. Consonants occur between 1.5KHz and 4KHz. They contain little energy but are essential to intelligibility.

What you can do to provide the maximum speech intelligibility for your pastor... and more